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Business Management with Finance BSc (Hons)

3 years, 4 years

Course description

  • Information

Business Management with Finance BSc (Hons) is a course that reveals the secrets of managing the business environment in many aspects. On completion of the education, the student is awarded a Bachelor’s degree. The course is taught at intermediate level and the graduate receives a LEVEL 6 qualification and a final honours degree. The course of study lasts three years full-time or four years if combined with Foundation Year. The course covers leadership, implementation of new solutions and financing and planning for the business.

Why choose to study Business Management with Finance BSc (Hons)?

  • Graduates from the department have the most success in terms of successful start-ups in the UK
  • Students who graduate from the department find jobs up to 15 months after receiving their degree
  • The course is delivered using innovative, effective teaching methods
  • Students can choose a specific career path after implementation
  • Graduates have a CertHE Business Management qualification and a DipHE Business Management with Finance qualification

What skills does the graduate acquire?

  • The student gains managerial skills that work well in a business environment
  • Competencies are developed in policy knowledge, business management, strategy building, innovation design and entrepreneurship
  • Competencies are built in several business disciplines: analytics, digital marketing, finance, human resources management, international business

Where to study the major?

In our opinion, it is best to choose the Business Management with Finance BSc (Hons) major at University Square in Luton.