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Benefits of being a student in the UK

Benefits of studying in the UK. Why is it worth studying in the UK?

Have you ever wondered what makes studying in the UK so special? It’s not just the centuries-old walls of Oxford or Cambridge that tell the stories of past generations. It’s more than just the misty mornings by the Thames and the green landscapes of Yorkshire. Studying in England is an adventure of a lifetime that shapes future leaders, thinkers, and creators. Here, you’ll meet people from all corners of the world, exchange ideas over a cup of tea, and develop the skills that will open the door to a global career. Why wouldn’t England be the perfect place to invest in your education?

After graduation, you no longer must work in a warehouse or for a poor salary

I am sure that many people have experienced working in lower positions. However, you do not have to work on a production line or carry goods for the rest of your life. Everyone desires growth and the chance to earn more. Pursuing your dream job through education can bring about a positive change in your life. Improving your language skills, expanding your contacts, increasing your knowledge, and obtaining a degree after graduation can pay off by allowing you to leave your old job behind or providing you with the opportunity to move up the ladder.


Possibility to either work part-time or full-time while studying

It is important to remember one of the greatest advantages of the education system in this country – its extreme flexibility. Students have the unique opportunity to combine their studies with work, allowing them to choose between part-time or full-time jobs according to their needs and goals, while continuing their education.

Studies are conducted only 2-3 days a week

In England, there are study programmes that have classes scheduled for only 2 or 3 days a week. This allows students to have enough time for other activities. This comes as a great advantage for those who want to balance their studies with work or gain practical experience. There are also flexible options such as daytime, evening or weekend classes, or a combination of online and on-campus courses.

Homework assignments

Did you know that assessments in England are quite different from those in other countries around the world? Most, if not all, of your university assignments are given to you to complete at home, which allows you to prepare the material in peace and quiet. This approach is much less stressful and gives you more freedom.

In the second and third years of studies, there are placements in companies, which can help you secure a job quickly

During the second and third years of studies, many universities offer internship programmes in companies. These programmes can help students in many ways. Firstly, they enable students to establish their first professional contacts, acquire valuable references, and learn about the realities of the industry they want to work in. Secondly, students can also get an offer of permanent employment even before they receive their degree. This provides them with a unique opportunity to quickly enter the labour market while still studying!

Receiving funds to cover living costs

The issue of financing your studies often seems to be the biggest obstacle, but this is where the UK meets the students’ needs, offering a wide range of grants and financial support.

 To put it simply – studying in the UK may be cheaper than you think! There are a number of living grant packages available. For instance, outside London, the grants can range from £9,000 to £15,000per year, and in the capital, the amount can be even higher, ranging from £12,500 to £17,000. This support can be significant as it helps with the cost of housing, food, textbooks, and other study-related expenses.

As a student, you do not pay council tax

As a student, you do not have to pay council tax in England. This is another significant saving, but it depends on whether you live alone as a student or share the house with others. In different cases, you can get a discount of 25%, 50% or even 100%.

Discounts available everywhere

Students can benefit from numerous discounts in many places, from cinemas and theatres to shops and public transport. This makes student life in the UK full of opportunities and more accessible.

Extra financial support for single parents

The UK also offers extra support for students who are lone parents in the form of childcare funding. This tailored financial aid is aimed at people who balance academic responsibilities with parenthood. It helps to cover some of the costs associated with professional childcare, allowing students to focus on their studies whilst providing a safe and stimulating environment for their children. It is possible to co-finance up to 85% of the cost of a council-registered nursery or childminder, called the Childcare Grant. Here is what you can get:

You can get a reimbursement of 85% of your childcare costs or a fixed maximum amount, whichever is lower.

The maximum amount you can get is:

  • up to £188.90 a week per child
  • up to £323.85 a week for two or more children.


  • If it costs £100 per week to care for one child, you will receive £85 – this is 85% of the cost.
  • If it costs £230 per week to care for one child, you will receive £188.90. This is because 85% of the cost is £195.50, which exceeds the maximum weekly amount.
  • Each lone parent also receives Parents Learning Allowance, a non-refundable grant of £1,915 per year.

Learning English before the first year

Studying in the UK is not only about gaining academic expertise but also enhancing your language proficiency. English – the global language of business, science, and culture – is spoken daily here, providing valuable practise. In lecture theatres, libraries, and even on-campus cafés, students from all over the world communicate precisely in English, allowing them to master the language fluently in a natural, everyday context.

Learning the language during the foundation year is also a very important factor. A common practise among some universities is to offer language courses in the first year of study, taught by the same teachers who will continue to tutor the students in the following years. The programme is structured in such a way that the student learns English for the specific course and does the assessment work that appears in the first and subsequent years, i.e. reports, essays, and presentations. We have observed many instances where our students started with a basic level of language and graduated with a bachelor’s degree, speaking English perfectly.

Meeting new, interesting people

Every day is a new chance to meet people from all over the world, exchange experiences, and acquire unique skills. Student life in England is a time of exploration, establishing lasting friendships and developing passions that enrich both personally and professionally.

While studying, you can meet many interesting, high-level people. Perhaps you feel lonely in England or don’t know interesting colleagues at work with the same interests. In your subject, you’ll find plenty of people with whom you will be able share passions and exchange ideas.

Studies in the UK are the most prestigious in the world and allow you to find your dream job

Studying in the British Isles not only opens the door to a better life in its picturesque landscape but also equips you with skills and experiences valued around the world.

And the qualifications you obtained? It’s your ticket to global opportunities. No matter where your career may lead you, whether in Europe, Asia, America, or even distant corners of the world, or if you wish to return to your homeland and earn big money by working in a reputable corporation instead of a lowly company. So, whether you choose to settle in the beautiful islands or anywhere else, studying in England opens the door to many opportunities and benefits that will enrich your life.

Get in touch with us

Do you want to take up the challenge and are thinking about studying in the UK? We’ll make it easier for you to contact universities, help you find information and apply for studies. We can even help you apply for funding, free of charge!

Start your adventure now by contacting us through any form of communication, including Messenger, phone, email, or consultation.