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Business Management with Digital Marketing BSc (Hons)

3 years, 4 years

Course description

  • Information

The Business Management with Digital Marketing BSc (Hons) course is designed for all candidates who want to combine business management with a specialisation in digital marketing. The course enables you to acquire the skills necessary to manage a business effectively. The course is 3 years full-time. You can also choose a 4-year option with Foundation Year. Graduates gain a LEVEL 6 qualification and an honours degree. Classes are held at the University Square campus in Luton. During the course, students learn how to manage a business well and implement and apply digital solutions to improve marketing processes.

Why take the Business Management with Digital Marketing BSc (Hons) course?

  • Graduates of the department’s courses have a great track record of running and growing start-ups
  • 100% of students graduating from the courses find employment with a high qualification requirement within 15 months of receiving their degree
  • The Business Management with Digital Marketing BSc (Hons) course is based on the acquisition of practical skills
  • After the implementation phase, the student can choose a specific specialisation
  • The graduate acquires the CertHE Business Management qualification and the DipHE Business Management with Digital Marketing qualification

What skills are acquired during education?

  • Graduates have the skills to navigate digital solutions tailored to the business environment
  • The course develops the skills necessary for business management: strategy building, political knowledge, innovation design, entrepreneurship
  • During their studies, students can deepen their knowledge in business analytics, digital marketing, finance, human resource management, international business

Where to study this major?

Our suggested location for the Business Management with Digital Marketing BSc (Hons) course is University Square in Luton.